BZOJ2034: [2009国家集训队]最大收益 && BZOJ4276 拟阵+贪心+二分图匹配
BZOJ2259: [Oibh]新型计算机 DP+线段树

Codechef 13.11QPOINT 扫描线+可持久化平衡树

shinbokuow posted @ Oct 16, 2015 06:53:22 PM in BZOJ with tags 扫描线 可持久化平衡树 , 1329 阅读












#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

#define N 300010
typedef long long ll;
typedef long double db;
static const db eps = 1e-8;

int getint(){
    int c;
    while(!isdigit(c = getchar()));
    int x = c - '0';
    while(isdigit(c = getchar()))
struct Point{
    int x, y;
    Point(int _x, int _y): x(_x), y(_y){}

ll cross(const Point &a, const Point &b){
    return (ll)a.x * b.y - (ll)a.y * b.x;

struct Segment{
    Point l, r;
    int down, bel;
    Segment(Point _l, Point _r, int _down, int _bel): l(_l), r(_r), down(_down), bel(_bel){}
    db gety(db x){
        return l.y + (db)(r.y - l.y) / (r.x - l.x) * (x - l.x);
    bool on(Point p){
        if(p.x < l.x || p.x > r.x)
            return 0;
        return (ll)(p.y - l.y) * (r.x - l.x) == (ll)(r.y - l.y) * (p.x - l.x);
int num;

#define ls ch[0]
#define rs ch[1]
struct Node{
    Node *ch[2];
    int size, id, p;
    Node(): size(0){}
    void up(){
        size = ls -> size + rs -> size + 1;
}mem[15000010], *P = mem, Tnull, *null = &Tnull;
Node *newnode(){
    P -> ls = P -> rs = null;
    P -> size = 1;
    P -> p = rand();
    return P++;
void copy(Node *&x, Node *y){
    if(y == null)
        x = null;
        *(x = newnode()) = *y;
void Merge(Node *&re, Node *x, Node *y){
    if(x == null)
        copy(re, y);
    else if(y == null)
        copy(re, x);
    else if(x -> p < y -> p){
        copy(re, x);
        Merge(re -> rs, x -> rs, y);
        re -> up();
        copy(re, y);
        Merge(re -> ls, x, y -> ls);
        re -> up();
void Split(Node *p, Node *&x, Node *&y, int k){
    if(k == 0){
        copy(x, null);
        copy(y, p);
    else if(k == p -> size){
        copy(x, p);
        copy(y, null);
    else if(k <= p -> ls -> size){
        copy(y, p);
        Split(p -> ls, x, y -> ls, k);
        y -> up();
        copy(x, p);
        Split(p -> rs, x -> rs, y, k - p -> ls -> size -1);
        x -> up();
Node *find_succ(Node *p, db _x, db _y){
    if(p == null)
        return null;
    db y = S[p -> id].gety(_x);
    if(y + eps >= _y){
        Node *temp = find_succ(p -> ls, _x, _y);
        return temp == null ? p : temp;
        return find_succ(p -> rs, _x, _y);
int calc_down(Node *p, db _x, int id){
    if(p == null)
        return 0;
    if(S[id].gety(_x) <= S[p -> id].gety(_x))
        return calc_down(p -> ls, _x, id);
        return p -> ls -> size + 1 + calc_down(p -> rs, _x, id);
Node *insert(Node *p, db _x, int id){
    int down = calc_down(p, _x, id);
    Node *x, *y, *re;
    Split(p, x, y, down);
    Node *now = newnode();
    now -> id = id;
    Merge(re, x, now);
    Merge(re, re, y);
    return re;
Node *cutoff(Node *p, db _x, int id){
    int down = calc_down(p, _x, id);
    Node *x, *y, *z, *re;
    Split(p, x, y, down);
    Split(y, y, z, 1);
    Merge(re, x, z);
    return re;

Point p[N];

int ux[N];

vector<int>in[N], out[N];

Node *root[N];

int get_ins(Node *p, int x, int y){
    static Node *temp;
    temp = find_succ(p, x, y);
    if(temp == null)
        return -1;
    else if(S[temp -> id].on(Point(x, y)))
        return S[temp -> id].bel;
        return S[temp -> id].down;
int main(){
    //freopen("", "r", stdin);
    //freopen("tt.out", "w", stdout);
    int n, i, j, t, m = 0;
    scanf("%d", &n);
    for(i = 1; i <= n; ++i){
        scanf("%d", &t);
        for(j = 1; j <= t; ++j){
            scanf("%d%d", &p[j].x, &p[j].y);
            ux[++m] = p[j].x;
        p[t + 1] = p[1];
        ll area = 0;
        for(j = 1; j <= t; ++j)
            area += cross(p[j], p[j + 1]);
        if(area < 0){
            for(j = 1; j <= t; ++j){
                if(p[j].x < p[j + 1].x)
                    S[++num] = Segment(p[j], p[j + 1], i, i);
                else if(p[j + 1].x < p[j].x)
                    S[++num] = Segment(p[j + 1], p[j], -1, i);
            for(j = 1; j <= t; ++j){
                if(p[j].x < p[j + 1].x)
                    S[++num] = Segment(p[j], p[j +1], -1, i);
                else if(p[j + 1].x < p[j].x)
                    S[++num] = Segment(p[j +1], p[j], i, i);
    sort(ux + 1, ux + m + 1);
    int _m = unique(ux + 1, ux + m + 1) - ux - 1;
    for(i = 1; i <= num; ++i){
        in[lower_bound(ux + 1, ux + _m + 1, S[i].l.x) - ux].push_back(i);
        out[lower_bound(ux + 1, ux + _m + 1, S[i].r.x) - ux].push_back(i);
    for(root[0] = null, i = 1; i <= _m; ++i){
        root[i] = root[i - 1];
        for(j = 0; j < out[i].size(); ++j)
            root[i] = cutoff(root[i], .5 * (ux[i] + ux[i - 1]), out[i][j]);
        for(j = 0; j < in[i].size(); ++j)
            root[i] = insert(root[i], .5 * (ux[i] + ux[i + 1]), in[i][j]);
    //printf("%d\n", P - mem);
    int q, x, y, ans, ins;
    scanf("%d", &q);
    for(i = 1; i <= q; ++i){
        //printf("%d\n", i);
        scanf("%d%d", &x, &y);
        if(x < ux[1] || x > ux[_m])
            ans = -1;
            ins = lower_bound(ux + 1, ux + _m + 1, x) - ux;
            if(ux[ins] == x)
                ans = max(get_ins(root[ins - 1], x, y), get_ins(root[ins], x, y));
                ans = get_ins(root[ins - 1], x, y);
        printf("%d\n", ans);
    return 0;
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