BZOJ4123: [Baltic2015]Hacker
#include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cctype> #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; #define N 500010 int a[N<<1],sum[N<<1],q[N<<1],w[N<<1],fr,ta; inline int getc(){ static const int L=1<<15; static char buf[L],*S=buf,*T=buf; if(S==T){ T=(S=buf)+fread(buf,1,L,stdin); if(S==T) return EOF; } return*S++; } inline int getint(){ int c; while(!isdigit(c=getc())); int x=c-'0'; while(isdigit(c=getc())) x=(x<<1)+(x<<3)+c-'0'; return x; } int ans[N]; inline void mini(int&x,int y){ if(x>y) x=y; } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("","r",stdin); #endif int n=getint(),m=(n+1)>>1,i,j; for(i=1;i<=n;++i) a[i]=a[n+i]=getint(); for(i=1;i<=(n<<1);++i) sum[i]=sum[i-1]+a[i]; for(i=1;i<=2*n-m+1;++i) w[i]=sum[i+m-1]-sum[i-1]; memset(ans,0x3f,sizeof ans); for(i=1;i<=2*n;++i){ if(i<=2*n-m+1){ while(fr!=ta&&w[i]<w[q[ta-1]]) --ta; q[ta++]=i; } while(fr!=ta&&q[fr]<i-m+1) ++fr; if(fr!=ta) mini(ans[i>n?i-n:i],w[q[fr]]); } int re=0; for(i=1;i<=n;++i) re=max(re,ans[i]); cout<<re<<endl; return 0; }
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